Tuesday, January 17, 2006

One-Second Dream

Who are you?

Startled streaks of bright, summer sunlight?
Wandering spirit of moonlit, misty nights?

The face of a newborn star?
The scent of a blooming nocturnal flower?

A ghost of my wayward, wishful thoughts?
Or a lucky charm I serendipitously caught?

A sighing lover’s longing, calling song?
Gone in a whiff, a dream, just a second long?

To me, this is my most 'profound' work (If I may term it so!) in reproducing a human face.

I'm always fascinated with female faces (ehemm... that is, when it comes to painting), purely for the detail & their lovely expressions. One can categorize expressions on a male face – angry & rebellious, cool and suave, worrisome and contemplating..

But woman’s expressions, you'd never know ;D

This is a take from a jewellery ad - I think its Tanishq.The original photo, doesn't have the same effect. It was a female all decked up with diamond jewellery, but it was in good light.

My original version was in good light. Though I found the sketch lines to be good, the painting didn't have any dramatic feel to it. So, I used a blue omni light and the effect was too stunning.

So half the credit goes to the light effect. The eyes, the nose, the half-parted lips, the chin etc have come out in good shape and proportion. I love that coy, shy expression!

OK, for the title - the painting had this effect on me: On a dark night, I'm wandering thru' dark woods, groping for the right path. Then, a spark of light shone, like a lightning and there stood this beautiful woman, but just for a second. She vanished, giving me that one-second pleasure and my path.


Blogger Anu said...

Wow.. the picture and the explanation you had given makes me think of Bharathiyar's "Suttum Vizhi Chudar thaan Kannama Suriya Chandiraro". A very good piece of art Shankar. Keep it up :)

8:56 PM  

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